
  • General turn-around time of each commission is at least 3 weeks. Revisions may vary the turn around time.

  • If the commission needs to be done in less than three weeks, there will be an additional fee.

  • I will be requiring and initial 50% payment upfront. The remaining 50% payment must be done on or before the final output with watermark is sent to the client.

  • Should there be a circumstance that I am not able to finish your commission, the remaining 50% of the payment will be refunded.

  • Prices shown are as is – unless it’s stated that it is the minimum price for the request.

  • I may refuse to accept a commission if I deem it uncomfortable for me.

  • Commissioned works may be posted with watermark in the artist's art accounts and may be added to the portfolio.

  • Commissioned works are not allowed to be used in AI/NFT in any way, shape, or form.

  • Commissioned works that are classified as personal may not be utilized in commercial use.

  • Proper credit is obligated.


  • I will send an initial sketch after 1-2 weeks after payment and the client may have revisions in this stage.

  • After the client finalizes the commission, the remaining 50% of the amount must be required to proceed with the rendering.

  • Revisions during rendition are not allowed.


Services Offered


package inclusion:
simple background + character

  • Bust - starting at 40 USD

  • Half-body (Head - waist) - starting at 50 USD

  • Full body - starting at 60 USD


  • additional characters:
    (bust: starts at 30 / half: starts at 40 / full: starts at 50)

  • complex background (more than 4 elements): + 30 USD flat